Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Even one makes a difference!

I'm going to jump on the political bandwagon and put in my two cents. I hate to say it, it wasn't until my mid thirties when I really began to vote consistently.  Prior to, I voted every once in a while, thinking I didn't count or thinking that my demographic really didn't have a say. How depressing is that to be in the land of the free and the home of the brave in year 2000 and think that I'm still not equally represented, but that's how I felt. Thank God for maturity, faith, and even some hope that at some point with this melting pot we live in that all would have to be considered equal, just like the pledge says.

Over the past 10 years, small triumphs and some setbacks, but with a man like Obama in office, how can you not believe in change. Just like a penny helps to make nickels, and nickels, make dimes, and dimes and quarters make dollars! We are rich with what we represent and I don't want or feel that it should ever be taken for granted. I owe it to myself to make an effort because who's to say that that one time, we don't come up one short?  And the only one I'll have to blame is myself. Can't complain about the problems if you don't even make the effort to be a part of the solution.

Vote. It's just that simple.

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